Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Vocal - Henley + Frey + Schmit
Lead 1 (square]

Guitar 1 - Frey
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 2 - Felder
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar 3 - Walsh (Open D)
Overdriven Guitar

Bass - Schmit
Acoustic Bass


Guitar FX - reverb and delay
Synth Strings 1
[Verse 1] Turn on the tube. What do I see? A whole lot of peo-ple cry-ing "Don't blame me". They point their crook-ed lit-tle fin-gers at ev-'ry-bo-dy else, spend all their time feel-ing sor-ry for them-selves. Vic-tim of this, vic-tim of that. Your ma-ma's too thin and your dad-dy's too fat. [Chorus] Get o-ver it. Get o-ver it. All this whin-ing and cry-ing and pitch-ing a fit. Get o-ver it, get o-ver it. [Verse 2] You say you have-n't been the same since you had your lit-tle crash. But you might feel bet-ter if they gave you some cash. The more I think a-bout it, old Bil-ly was right. Let's kill all the law-yers, kill 'em to-night. You don't want to work, you want to live like a king. But the big bad world does-n't owe you a thing. [Chorus] Get o-ver it. Get o-ver it. If you don't want to play, you might as well split. Get o-ver it, get o-ver it. [Bridge] It's like go-ing to con-fes-sion ev'-ry' time I hear you scream--. Your mak-ing the most of your los-ing streak. Some call it sick, I call it weird. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [Verse 3] You drag it a-round like a ball and chain. You wal-low in the guilt, you wal-low in the pain. You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown. Got your mind in the gut-ter bring-ing ev-'ry-bo-dy down. You bitch a-bout the pres-ent, you blame it on the past. I'd like to find you in a child and kick it's lit-tle ass. [Chorus x 2] Get o-ver it. Get o-ver it. All this whin-ing and cry-ing and pitch-ing a fit. Get o-ver it, get o-ver it. Get o-ver it. Get o-ver it. It's got-ta stop some-time so why don't you quit. Get o-ver it, get o-ver it. Get o-ver it.